Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Welcome, to the delicious adventure I plan to partake during the Fall semester of my third year in college!

A few days ago my co-worker and I went to UMBC's Yumm Shop to quench our thirst after a hard day of concreting in a street sign. This was my second time ever in the Yumm Shop. It never appealed to me, 100% because it does not take any money from my meal plan, only real money. But, it being the summer, there weren't a lot of choices for my co-worker and I to re-hydrate. So I go in with my exhausted work buddy. I decided to walk around the store to see what I may have been missing out on. It's basically a 7-11. So, I locate my co-worker and head towards his location. That's when I saw what he was looking at..

There, in front of him, in all it's refridgerative glory, was a cooler of lesser known soda brands. Jones, Boylan, Stewart's, to name a few. My eyes, like my mouth, watered at all the flavors present in my vicinity. I immediately notice my favorite soft drink ever: Stewart's Orange Cream Soda. Before then, I had not been able to find this delicious whistle wetter in Maryland. Only when my family goes on vacation had I been able to stock up on 4-packs to last me the summer. But it's been at my college all along!!

Then, I think, "What else am I missing?" If one of these drinks is insanely pleasing, what other ones will be its equal? That's when I decide, I will try...





Oh the flavorful molecules my taste buds will receive! Cherrywine, Sarsaparilla, Birch Beer. Oh, the tastes I can taste!

Throughout the semester I will purchase these drinks, snap a picture, and create a post here of my nommy findings. And of course, I will keep the nostalgic bottles.

Join me on my journey through flavor! Coming August 31, the Glass Bottle Connoisseur will begin!

Fun Fact! The font of this blog is called "Cherry Cream Soda". How could I not pick it?


  1. I once bought several bottles of Bawls there because I wanted to use their awesome bottles for an art project I was doing. My roommates did a decent job drinking the majority of them, but most of it ended up down the sink. But the bottles were so pretty :)

  2. Down the sink because it tasted bad?
