Monday, October 24, 2011

Boylan Birch Beer

What's better than Root Beer? Birch Beer.

A glorious deep ruby red liquid is found inside this glass bottle.

It is root beer with a little extra sonsin sonsin. I can't think of adequate descriptions for the flavor but I can do my best. Imagine the root beer flavor as a sound. It has deep flavors of rootiness and some high pitched accents. Birch beer is root beer with a treble boost.

A brunette with blonde highlights.

The key words in that gigantic text book you have.

The best parts of that sporting event.

A cool wind on a warm day.

I also get a nice creamy residue that I have found to expect from a high quality root beer.

This drink will wake you up I believe. The taste is pungent, not in a bad way but in a way that makes you notice it is there. If that makes any sense..

Labeling! A circular label with "BOYLAN'S" gracing the front in a wavy manner. It reminds me of old movie posters, the direction the text moves, the white shadowing of the black letters. Creamy Red is boasted on the upper hemi-circle. This I can agree with for it is both creamy and red!

Birch beer is different from root beer in that it uses extract from the birch tree. Sap is collected from the tree and distilled into oil, which is then added to the beverage to give it its nommy flavor. Colors vary from white, brown, red and purple. --Why isn't mine purple!?-- This colorful beverage is mostly found in the northeast and Newfoundland! Take that Montana!!

Should I cite wikipedia for the above paragraph?..

This beverage is just a notch above standard root beer. Boylan's never fails in making a tasty drink. If there ends up being some sort of root beer in the top 5 at the end of the semester, you can be sure it'll be this one. Why get root beer when you can get birch beer?

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