Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stewart's Orange'n Cream Soda


The one that started it all!

It better be good because in my effort to go to commons and purchase this drink, I was turned zombie..

But I know it is good =]

It smells of an orange and marshmallow snow ball. The scent brings you back to the hot days of summer. Except the summer heat is spliced by the cool orange and cream.

The taste. Oh the taste is perfect. The orange flavor replaces the usually strong punch of the initial cream soda. Who doesn't love orange soda? I know Kel doesn't, mmhmmmmm..

Then orange flavor is in harmony with the luscious cream. Then the cream takes over and has an undertone of orange. A perfect melody.

No component is too strong in this soda. Neither the orange nor the cream is overpowering. There is one thing that hits me in the face from this drink.

Its pure awesome delicousness.

This Stewart's soda is not visibly fizzy. No bubbles appeared when I opened the bottle, nor did they appear when I shook the bottle. Yet somehow there is still a sparkle of carbonation in my mouth.

The labeling is a green diamond with the Stewart's name on it. Underneath is an orange Popsicle with a creamy center ever so slightly dripping out. As I drink, the orange Popsicle loses its color.

I have convinced a few others to try this soda and one of them proclaimed that it tasted just like orange soda. To me it is a little hard to tell the difference. However, the orange sodas I have always came off a little strong. The orange flavor was good, but there was a lot of it. I believe what makes this drink a winner is that the cream is enough to mellow out that orange.

Yes it tastes a lot like orange soda, but that creamyness makes this soda exponentially better.

If I had to improve upon this drink I would only say give me the aftertaste I got from Stewart's Cream Soda. The aftertaste here does not linger for too long. If I could get the orange cream with a wonderful long lasting creamy aftertaste this soda would be...well I can't even think of words.

This has reminded me of why I started this journey. If this soda is so good, then there has to be other great soft drinks out there. Maybe, just maybe, some better than this one...maybe.

By the way, this may be the first soda I actually finished before I finished typing. And I finished it a long time ago.

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