Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pop Goes The Bubble

Somebody pop the bubbly!

This may be the soda I have been most excited for. Ever since I first looked over the sodas in that corner fridge, I have been wanting to try this one. It's not that I think it's going to be fantastic, it's's bubble gum soda!! I mean come on!

The only soda that might make me more excited is a cotton candy soda. I love the cotton candy flavor.

It has a bit of a medicine like smell. That is medicine that is flavored to bubble gum. Hopefully that won't deter me.

Oh man this is interesting. It is just like eating a Dubble Bubble piece of gum. My initial reaction to this drink was, "Don't swallow this it is gum!" It even leaves a sugary feeling in my mouth. It closely resembles how your mouth salivates when chewing gum. Except you don't have to salivate, the moisture just comes from the drink itself. It's a pretty surreal experience.

My tongue keeps pressing to the top of my mouth like I am about to attempt to make a bubble...I say attempt because I suck at blowing bubbles. I blame it on my short tongue.

Anyway, the carbonation is just fine. Not fizzy but has that sparkly feeling.

The bottle is short and stout, even more so than the Pop Shoppe (eh). The glass is clear so as to show off the brilliant translucent pink hue. The label is..unique. "Pop Goes the Bubble, old fashioned bubble gum soda" adorns the label. The title of this soda is outlined in a faint bubble gum bubble. To the bottom left, is..something. The closest comparison I can make to it is possibly a Styrofoam cup with one of those hot drink lids. What I presume to be coming out of this cup is a lot of bubbles. Also, a snowflake is shooting out of it.

Like I said, unique. Fitting though for the flavor of the soda. Have you ever seen bubble gum soda before?..And on a side note, have you ever seen cotton candy soda before? If so please let me know where.

This soda does a very good job at getting the bubble gum flavor. It evens leaves me with the mouth feel of chewed bubble gum. I would recommend this soda to other people, just so they can experience how good of a job they do at mimicking Dubble Bubble.

There will be a special early edition of the Glass Bottle Connoisseur tomorrow! I expect to be extremely busy again on Friday so I am going for the preemptive strike. So if you actually read these posts every MWF, expect to see one tomorrow instead of Friday!

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