Friday, December 2, 2011

And the winner is..

I do not have video editing software at my disposal so just follow this link.

I started this adventure thinking that I could find the best soda out in the market. I have since realized however that these aren't those types of sodas. These aren't the types that can be judged purely on taste, carbonation, and design. These beverages aren't even made for that.

They are made for the memory.

If you want a good soda, go get some Coke or Pepsi shenanigans.

If you want a great soda, something that will last, something that you will remember, something where you can look back and think, "Damn, that was a really tasty soda." then this is what you want.

When you get these types of sodas at a restaurant, you don't just chalk it up as another occasion dining out. When you get these sodas at a restaurant, you remember the experience. You remember that you had that blue raspberry, or watermelon soda. You remember why you went there. Perhaps, you were visiting Salem, Mass. and had just come out of an awesome museum (which ironically wasn't even about witches..--it was about pirates--). You remember the excitement when you saw the list of sodas and marveled at all the flavors they had in store. Which would you pick? "Can I manage two sodas in one sitting? When I come back I have to come here so I can try this one!"

These smaller brewers, Boylans, Stewart's, Frostop, The Pop Shoppe..they are making experiences. They are making memories.

And memories taste damn good.

So I can't just judge these sodas on taste alone. They have to bring something to the table. Something that can't be bottled.

Maybe, they bring the experience of eating an apple, and the surprise that it can be done by a soda.

Maybe, it is reminding you of a snow cone. Perhaps ice cream? How about a warm sunny day, even though it is 35 degrees out?

Chocolate, can they really make a soda out of that?...Yes, they can.

My winner doesn't just excel in flavor, but it excels in experience. It has created a memory that will never be forgotten. Just the scent, the look, the thought, can bring about a smile on my face.

So that is why the winner is Stewart's Orange and Cream Soda.

Yes, I am biased. I am biased in the memories it has established.

This doesn't mean that I haven't found other fantastic beverages. This whole experience has created a memory of its own. A memory that applies to each and every soda I tasted, and also a memory that adds to those I have of Stewart's Orange and Cream Soda.

Maybe it is true that I have tasted the best years ago when the orange cream first touched my lips. But the flavor has grown. It has become ingrained in my summers. It has become joy.

Second place is awarded to Frostie's Cherry Limeade. Third to Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda, then Cool Mountain Green Apple and finally Boylan's Birch Beer.

All these will have a place in my thoughts and I will think back on them whenever I taste a delicious beverage.

Orange and Cream is my favorite. But it is my memories. What I have found to be the best is completely unique to me. You may find different.

So I urge you to go out and find your favorite. Find those wonderful experiences.

Go out and drink down those delicious memories.

1 comment:

  1. I call cheats! This was your favorite soda even before you started this thing ;)

    Also I want to try the runner up, the cherry limeade :D
