Friday, December 2, 2011

The Finals: Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda

The Burgundy Brawler!

For an instant I smelled cream, and then black cherry overwhelmed. A brilliant teaser.

The black cherry comes off strong for my first sip. There is a slightly creamy undertone. As with most cream sodas, there is a smooth aftertaste, but even here the black cherry lingers. Black cherry is deep, and powerful. Vanilla is also strong even in small doses.

Vanilla may be strong, but it is a ninja! It's there and you don't even realize it. Then when you do realize that vanillaninja is there, it is the end.

This bottle breaks the ever shortening bottleneck trend. It is also the only one to sport a collar label.

The label is quite complex. "Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda" graces the label with its western font. Two kids, a boy and girl are sitting in rather large chairs, being served a pitcher of soda by a rather burly man.

Complex, kind of like the flavor. Black cherry by itself is complex. It's cherry, of course, but deep, and rich, and bold. Vanillaninja is ever present but you have to look for it.

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