Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Finals: Frostie Cherry Limeade

The Red Ranger!

It smells of a mixture of coke and citrus.

The cherry is predominant and delicious. The lime is more of a lingering flavor. Individually these two flavors can be pretty strong. Limeade may not be as strong as lemonade can be but still. These two flavors are competing for the spotlight in this soda. Cherry comes out fast and strong. Lime, goes at a steady pace and has the endurance to last till after the sip. Together, they work out very well. Cherry, being a bold flavor hits your tongue first, and a few seconds later the lime slices through the cherry and presents itself. Red and green may be contrasting colors but the flavors are complimentary.

The carbonation is just right.

These bottle necks are getting shorter and shorter with each day!

The label here is probably my favorite out of the bunch. An odd wintry scene is the basis of this label. I don't think of winter when I taste this drink but, whatever. It is snowing in what presume is a night time sky. What I believe is the moon is partially covered by Jack Frost's face. Cherries and one and a half limes are covered with snow, as is the "Frostie".

The drink itself is a bright candy red. It makes the bottle really pop!

I have been waiting quite a while to retry this soda. The first time I tasted it, WAAAY back ago (t'was the second soda) I knew this would be a contender. I am reminded why I liked it so much. These two flavors just go so well together. Lime is a perfect partner to cut down the strong flavor that is cherry.

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