Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We Require More Sodas

I have discovered 3 more sodas in the adjacent refrigerator at the Yumm Shop. There are 2 Jones sodas and the classic IBC root beer soda. That brings the total up to 39 sodas which would mean I need to drink one every 2.69230769230769230769230769 with-a-line-over-it days. I shall find a way.

By the way, let's take a look at the terminology for flavored carbonated water. Now obviously all the cool kids say "soda". But what else is out there?
=As you can see, the Northeast, Southwest, St. Louis, and Milwaukee are where all the cool "soda" people are. (Except Milwaukee..Milwaukee is where are the crappy "soda" people live....Milwaukee..)

"Pop" occupies the most area with the North of the US. I vividly remember being very confused when visiting my grandma in Michigan and her asking if I wanted any "pop".

"Coke", taking up most of the South, seems rather strange to me. I'm sure many a conversation has gone as follows:

Do you want some coke?

Sure, sounds good. I would certainly like to moisten my whistle after the long trip from my Northern homeland. You see, I'm visiting the South US to see how many cows I can topple over before I get caught..

Alright sir, what would you like?




Yes, you want coke, what kind.

Coke good sir!

Yes, coke, what type!?

I imagine the customer to be named Costello and the server to be named Abbott..


  1. I approve of your knowledge of old comedy routines :)

  2. My favorite version of that routine
