Thursday, October 13, 2011

Boylan Diet Creme

Another diet soda. I think my randomizer is trying to tell me something..

It has a pretty sweet taste, and by sweet I mean in the slang sense. This cream soda doesn't have that powerful first taste I have gotten from other cream soda's. And the aftertaste is less pronounce than the others. It is a good aftertaste, but when is it not?

There does seem to be a little something lacking though, that I assume is from the diet part. The best I can say is that is just not a full flavor. It's like a nearly great soccer team. They get in the box all the time, but they just can't seem to finish. It's so nearly close to being a perfectly fine soda, but I just needs one little push of oomph! My guess, is that oomph is called sugar.

Now I am nitpicking here. It is a good soda. But it makes me all the more eager for the regular Boylan Creme soda.

I'm just going to skip the carbonation section.

The bottle! Or the label to be more specific. This one has a really awesome gold color. Like, amber waves of grain color. The bottle cap is the best. It's got the amber gold in metallic paint. Also, since this is the diet creme soda, the bottle has diet decal on the neck. The word diet is flanked on top and bottom by a nice fancy border that appears to include a wagon wheel, a double sided arrow and some a floral something or other.

I would call this soda a relaxed cream soda. It is a quiet fine soda but not a stand out cream soda.

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