Friday, October 28, 2011

Jones Berry Lemonade

Our guest soda for today is Jones Berry Lemonade.

I dun goofed and typed in Sarsaparilla twice when randomizing my soda schedule. Today is the day I pay for my mistake. My horribly cruel, and unusual punishment is a fizzy berry lemonade.


However, seeing how Jones is a little too mainstream it is not eligible for the tournament at the end of the semester.

According to the bottle cap today is a good time to finish old tasks.

It smells like 7-11 slushees.

It is a strange experience. It seems to be a liquid Warhead candy. Carbonation with lemonade is not a combination my mouth was expecting. It really does taste a lot like a Warhead. The berry is a mixture of berries. There is no distinct singular berry in this. Of course if it was it would be called strawberry lemonade or raspberry lemonade.

The carbonation is a little over done for me. There is also the fact that tartness gives me the impression of fizziness also. Seeing how this is lemonade there is quite a bit of tartness. It appears as though the more popular the soda the fizzier it is. Based on soda natural selection (also known as capitalism) this can only lead me to believe that the general North American population enjoys their beverages with extra CO2.

Jones soda is known for their labeling variation. Consumers can send in pictures to the Jones company and if they are lucky, it can be the feature of a soda label. In this case, there is a man on a dirt bike doing a stoppie. A stoppie is a wheelie but on the front. It appears to be fall, which is fitting for today,because this man has a hoodie on.

And this soda is from our Canadian bretheren!

Overall this is an alright soda. Too fizzy, too Warhead like. This just goes to show you, stick with the smaller brands.

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