Friday, October 7, 2011

The Pop Shoppe Root Beer

Root Beer from the reliable Pop Shoppe, nothing wrong aboot it.

The Pop Shoppe is consistently average, or in nicer terms, reliable.

I expect nothing less from this root beer, eh.

Apparently walking from the Yumm Shop to my dorm bubbled up my soda. And it has stayed that way. I guess this soda has a pretty high surface tension, these bubbles aren't going anywhere.

This drink has a nice deep root beer flavor. There's no mistaking it. Of course root beer is a very distinct flavor so even a little bit is unmistakable. C'est delicieux.

Of course, as Pop Shoppe always is, it is spot on with the flavor. Perhaps this time it is even more pronounce than what I'm used to, but that is a good thing. I don't often drink soda (aside from this journey), but when I do I drink dos equis root beer. I like the root beer flavor and in my opinion the more the better.

The bottle and labeling is aboot the same as it always is. Accept this time, oh I'm sorry... except this time it has "ROOT BEER" under the Pop Shoppe logo eh.

Root Beer is a nice rural flavor. It makes me think of farms, like Ontario Farms. Just going to work on my tractor, getting all hot and sweaty. Then I come back and drink a nice cold bottle of Root Beer. Sit down in my couch and watch me some hockey.

The Pop Shoppe lives up to its reputation of reliability. Maybe this time it even goes past that with a nice strong flavor. When ever Pop Shoppe pops up on my list, I know I'm in for a good soda. Not an awesome soda, but a good soda, and I know it will be a good day, eh.

Oh by the way, did I mention the Pop Shoppe is a Canadian Brewery?

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