Monday, October 3, 2011

Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda

Yet another Cream Soda!

This one touts "Great Creme Brulee Taste". You can't boast that and not live up to it or I will make a sad face.

Well it has a custard like smell. Also a fresh baked cake smell. I keep taking wiffs of it that smell is so good.

On to tasting. The Caramel is very prominent. In hindsight that scent was caramel, boy that's embarrassing. I was into baking for a long time and I can't distinguish smells like that -_-. This cream soda isn't too strong on the aftertaste. My last two cream sodas shined in the aftertaste section, but this hardly has one.

This soda is really just caramel in a bottle. You get a nutty caramel taste in the back of your mouth, just as if you had just eaten a chunk of caramel.

I'm a little hesitant to say that I would like more vanilla. Vanilla is a base tone type of flavor, and too much can lead to bad flavors. Think of vanilla extract. When baking you almost always put a teaspoon or two in. That is because it is powerful juju.

I also get a butter feel.

Carbonation is A-OK.

The labeling of this bottle is an interesting topic. First off, it is brown and tan. Surprising isn't it!? Let's address the claim of "Great Creme Brulee Taste". I am making a sad face. Creme Brulee = Custard. I believe the taste they are claiming to have is the crunchy part of the creme brulee. That crunchy part comes from sprinkling sugar over the custard and then taking a blow torch (AWESOME) and toasting that sugar. Caramel is made by heating sugar. So yes, it does taste like the crunchy part of the creme brulee. The rest of the creme brulee is an awesome vanilla custard. Next I shall address the neck label. It has a cow on it. When I was jotting down all the sodas to be put into a randomizer, I couldn't find the name of this soda so I just called it "Cow Head Brand". Now this cow is holding a flaming blow torch. Again, awesome. The back has a nice little note on it. "After creating Frostop root beer way back in 1926, we have continually sought to bring you the most delicious soda possible. Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda, with just a hint of caramel is decadently creamy. In the great Frostop tradition, nothing tops it...but the foam!"

A hint of caramel? I beg to differ. And I'm not seeing foam...

But what would make a good foam is...a float using this soda. Oh yes oh yes oh yes. Vanilla ice cream, if French style is essentially frozen vanilla custard. And then the caramel soda that this is would be an amazing base for the ice cream float. Oh man, this soda just jumped a few spots up on my list because of that epiphany.

So this soda is not a creme brulee in a bottle. But it is caramel in a bottle. And a nicely done caramel drink. Perfectly sweetened. If you see this in your market, buy yourself some ice cream too. It has to make an awesome float.

1 comment:

  1. Well the thought of vanilla + caramel + cream soda seems to me to be the greatest thing ever. But I was getting sad as I read on since it didn't seem up to snuff. But now I would very much like to try that float, it sounds delicious :D Though I'm still disappointed the soda on its own was not spectacular.
