Monday, October 10, 2011

Stewart's Diet Root Beer

The first of the diets.

Now I haven't had Stewart's regular root beer so I won't be able to make the best comparison, but I should be able to do with what root beer's I have tasted.

Smells like root beer.

It tastes like root beer also. Perhaps it has a little bit less intense of a flavor than others I have tasted. I do believe I taste a difference though. This root beer is a tad bitter. Most likely coming from the fact that it has 0 sugar in it. And 0 carbs and 0 protein and 0 fat and 0 calories! It does have sodium though..

So that essentially makes this soda a carbonated brine with root beer flavor added. To put it in the worst possible terms ever.

It really isn't bad though. Perhaps it tastes ever so slightly bitter to me because I'm looking for a difference from non diet root beer.

It has a somewhat creamy taste, which goes well with the root beer flavor. I really get the root beer flavor at the back of my mouth.

I'm a little disappointed in Stewart's when it comes to the fizz factor. Consuming this beverage I get a little bit of Fizz Upon Drinking, forever to be known now as FUD. FUD is one of my least favorite experiences when it comes to drinking carbonated water syrup, something I have expressed multiple times throughout this journey.

However, it is not a lot of FUD, but still a noticeable amount.

The label is graced with a mug the shape of a barrel. With a foamy root beer beverage slightly overfilling it. I wonder if root beers were originally made in barrels. This, dumdums and probably many other root beer flavored products are advertised with the barrel. Maybe they are playing on the beer part of root beer. I know those are fermented.

At any rate, this diet root beer is a decent drink. From what I can tell, it is not too different from standard root beer beverages. In my opinion though, if you are going to go diet, just drink water.

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