Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Frostop Root Beer

Oh hey, another Root Beer.
Aw man, no cow head on this bottle.

It is pretty good, a nice rooty flavor but awesomely creamy. The aftertaste is..ehh. It's kind of..woody. The initial taste is really good though.

The cream taste is making this root beer really stand out. It is like bottled root beer float. Like they filled half the bottle up with their root beer soda and then pumped ice cream in there and let it meld into the soda.

The carbonation is done will, no complaints here.

The label sports a scene from the 20's. Above the Frostop name is a scene of a drive in restaurant or maybe a soda joint. Did they have places that exclusively served soda? Anyway, it has olden time cars and a waitress. There is a giant mug of root beer on the roof of the drive in. The color scheme of the label is red and yellow. It gives me a nice rustic type feel. The neck label does not tout a cow head...This is displeasing. There is however a mug of root beer over flowing in foam.

The root beer is leaving an interesting spice taste in the back of mouth. Every time I breathe out through my nose I can taste it. I'm not sure what spice it is but it makes me think of the November-December season.

Overall this root beer is pleasantly creamy. The root beer flavor comes in at the right amount. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of the aftertaste it gives me.

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