Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Finals: Cool Mountain Green Apple

Round 2 for the Green Goblin!

It smells like it should be a candy green apple. But I know that it is not!

Ahh, that fresh, organic, fruity taste. It is refreshing on this dreary day. When I think, and taste, apples, I see sunshine. As long as I don't look out my window I am happy.

It does a spectacular job at mimicking the feel of sucking the juices out of a bite of apple. It puts that flavor in the back of my mouth just like a real apple would. And the best part is that there is no pesky skin to deal with!

This soda has the taste of the juices and the taste of the...well this is going to be hard to explain. The stuff that actually makes up the apple. You know, the stuff that gives it structure. If you were to suck all the juices out of the apples you'd be left with this. This soda also has the taste of that.

The bottle has a somewhat tall body and a shorter neck. The shoulder of the bottle transitions smoothly into the neck. Not as smoothly as Boylan's which has no shoulder at all. The label sports a sweet alpine mountain scene. As I mentioned before the color of the mountains start green from the soda and disappears as you empty the bottle. The top right of the label, and the bottle cap asks me, "Are you thirsty?"

To be honest I'm not really thirsty but this is the only time of the day that I would have a chance to type this post. So I took one for the team.

Perhaps this soda has slightly amplified the apple taste, compared to an actual apple. But that's understandable, it is a soda.

The reason this soda is in the finals is because it is just amazing how well it does at getting that apple flavor down perfect. At least in my opinion (but that is obvious because it is MY blog). Some may say otherwise but to me it is just shocking how well a soda can taste just like a fruit.

The flavor gets bonus points for doing a great job at hitting its target. Also, uniqueness because have you seen any other apple flavored sodas? Mountains are cool so points for the label.

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