Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The second finalist

Okay, well, Stewart's Root Beer hasn't been in stock for a week or two...Although the diet version has? So, I'm just going to give up on that one. It probably wouldn't have made it anyway.

On the topic of Root Beer, our next award category is best Root Beer!

Root Beer is a strongly represented flavor in this tasteventure so I figured it should get some sort of acknowledgement.

The winner is Boylan's Birch Beer!!---Wait does this count, is it technically root beer? I mean, it probably tastes better because it uses slightly different ingredients..uhmmm..uhhh..executive decision!!---The winner is Boylan's Root Beer!! A nice root beer taste with a tasty creamy center. A fitting representation of the Root Beer family.

On to other matters. What soda will be the second finalist?

To find the answer we must look at the second entry! Frostie Cherry Limeade! A bright red soda with a wintry label. It brought me back to the days of summer. I'm excited to give this one another try because now with my more experienced pallet I can pass judgement on an early favorite.

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