Friday, November 25, 2011

The Final Finalists

and some added awards.

First we shall start off with the third finalist: Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda. It wasn't an original entry. This soda did not appear on the fateful thirsty day in the middle of the summer. The day I decided to start this adventure. It took the place of a spiced apple cider beverage. Personally, I am very grad I had to make this switch.

Next an award! The goal of this journey is to find the best soda in the market. But, along the way I have also found one of the worst.

The award for the worst soda is none other than Reed's Cherry Ginger Brew. I first at Reed's original ginger ale and thought that was the worst. When the cherry version came up, I figured maybe the cherry will distract me from the overwhelming ginger flavor. Well, Reed needed to make sure that would never happen so the added 5 extra grams, to a total of 22 grams of ginger to Reed's Cherry Ginger Brew. The flavor is just too strong and it makes me make a face like a baby that just had its first taste of liquid medicine.

On to better things, the fourth finalist!

Cool Mountain Green Apple finds a way into the final 5 with only one entry! I fully expected a candy sour green apple much like a Jolly Rancher. What I got was a lovely fresh apple taste that somehow mimicked the mouth feel of a real apple.

For this reason, Cool Mountain Green Apple also wins the award for biggest surprise!

The last finalist is...Boylan's Birch Beer!

Root Beer may be the most prolific entry (that or cream soda but I don't feel like counting right now). I figured Root Beer should have some sort of representation in the finals *coughVirginiaPlancough*. As I said in the post about Birch Beer, if there is a Root Beer in the final it will probably be this one.

Our last bit of business before the finals officially go underway on Monday is the last award. This award is for the Most Original. The Soda with the most spirit!

The winner is Pop Goes the Bubble! This Bubble Gum flavored soda found itself in a close race with Cooper's Cave Chocolate Soda. The tie breaker was that I found Pop Goes the Bubble to be a better overall beverage.

Next week starts tournament play. Stewart's Orange 'n' Cream, Frostie Cherry Limeade, Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda, Cool Mountain Green Apple, and Boylan's Birch Beer. All will shoot fora spot as the most delicious soda I have ever tasted.

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