Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cool Mountain Green Apple

Refreshment, in a sweet green color.

Twisting it open creates a rush of bubbles to the top. Not too many though.

It smells like a jolly rancher. Not too much of a surprise considering it is green apple. Candy is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Green Apple. I wonder if it will be sour like the candy also.

Yup, it has a little bit of a sour too it, but not too much. It does a really good job of mimicking the juiciness that an apple has. The best thing about an apple is the crunch of the bite leading way to the juices that accumulate in the back of your mouth. This soda really gives me that juice feel of a nice fresh apple. Nom.

The carbonation is done right. This is the only part that reminds me that I'm drinking a soda. Well, that and the fact it is liquid. Other than those two things, it is almost just like an apple in my mouth. The flavor is on par and it even has the mouth feel of an apple.

The bottle is standard, maybe a little on the skinny side. The collar is a thin triangular band. Not much of a slip guard. The label is pretty awesome. It features a snowy mountain scene. This begs the question, "Does the 'Cool' in 'Cool Mountain' an awesome mountain or a cold mountain? Either way, it does not make me think of green apples, but I guess not every label has to depict the flavor instead of the company. The mountains turn from green to colorless as I drink the soda.

It is almost like that beer than has the mountains turn blue when it is cold. Except instead of turning a color, it loses color. And instead of getting cold, the drink is getting warm in my body.

On that topic, that is an incredibly stupid marketing scheme. A bottle that tells me when it is cold? Just touch the friken bottle. I think it is Coors light that does this. They advertise that it is the coldest beer in the market.

Dear Coors,

You do not control the temperature of my beverage, I do. Thank you and go read a book.


In the end, I'd say this is a pretty good soda. It is not candy green apple, it is like an actual apple green apple. That is a plus in my book blog. It tastes just like an apple. Also, the labeling has an awesome mountain scene on it. Good job Cool Mountain. You only had one entrance into my journey and you made it a good one.

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