Monday, September 26, 2011

The Pop Shoppe Pineapple Soda

Today is Friday. I'm sure of it. Why are you telling me it is not Friday because today is definitely Friday. I work on a schedule, Monday-Wednesday-Friday. And today is Friday so I have to do a soda today, which is Friday..

...okay...I was a little busy on the actual Friday. And by a little I mean from the time I woke up to about 7:30 or 8:00 pm, I was doing something. However, today I shall make up for it.

Part 1 of the Monday BIFECTA (aka Friday's soda)!!

We move from Mango to Pineapple. The Gods of Random must have been feeling tropical.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of pineapples. However, I think I'll be able to swallow all 12 oz of this drink. Let us begin.

The smell takes me back to elementary school. The land of fruit cups galore. I guess those things had a lot of pineapple in it.

Usually the Pop Shoppe makes their sodas taste exactly like the flavor given. By that I mean, when you think of the flavor of grape, that is exactly what you get, no more no less. But I think this one is a little different. Of course I get a prevalent pineapple taste, but it has harshness to it that I did no expect. Not a bad harshness,but a harshness that makes it pop in your mouth. It's as if the drink is saying to your tongue, "Hello! I'm here now!" Maybe I don't eat enough pineapples. Maybe they all have this zing to it. In the end though, I like it. This is definitely a soda I can drink.

The carbonation seems to be just fine. I don't believe The Pop Shoppe has ever had a problem with their fizziness.

The bottle, it is the same as all the others.

I have had a sip or two of Fanta's pineapple soda. I don't remember being terribly impressed by it. This one though, is pretty good. Perhaps I am jaded by my expectations of this. I came in expecting to not enjoy this soda very much, only because of my lack of desire for anything pineapple related. Having drank it, it is better than I thought. The disparity between my expectations and the reality is probably giving this soda a little bit more of a boost. The Pop Shoppe is consistently average, and this one probably is too, to someone that often has pineapple flavored things.

If there were a prize for being better than expected (there probably will be) this could be in contention.

Overall, this soda gives a nice pineapple taste with a little bit of pow in it. The flavor is refreshing. Like all the other Pop Shoppe sodas, if you want a specific flavor, they are always a safe bet.

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