Monday, September 19, 2011

The Pop Shoppe Grape Soda

Ahhh, a nice easy soda.
I must have accidentally shaken it some. Opening it caused a mass fizz of bubbles. By the way, purple bubbles are kinda awesome.

My first sipped somehow turned into three sips. Yummy. It has the standard manufactured grape flavor. It tastes exactly like a Flavor Pop. Which to me is a good thing. It seems most people don't like grape Flavor Pops. I don't understand those people.

It is carbonated nicely. That initial fizz release must have gotten it to the point of carbonation perfection (I think I will trademark those two words. It has a nice ring to it).

The bottle is just the same as my very first soda of this journey, short and stout. Grabbing it out of the refrigerator I was reminded of a missile. The labeling implies quite the opposite. The red and white design does not create violent memories at all. Instead it creates barber shoppe memories. Just imagine 4 tall, lean men in flat full brimmed hats singing a capella. They are singing of a lovely lady in front of a gathering crowd. You, having just walked out of a store, stop to listen for a while. You smile. The sun is hot so you decided to take a swig out of the soda you have just purchased. This is that soda.

Another feature of this bottle I failed to mention last time was the top. The grip guard (the protrusion at the top of the neck so it doesn't slip out of your hand too easily) has a slight texture to it. This creates a neat lip feel. It's the small things that count.

Have you ever filled a cup with ice, then poured grape soda in? Usually it creates an awesome blue fizz. This blue is usually close to my favorite color. Unfortunately, I don't have ice in my dorm. But I urge you to try it.

Overall, a pretty standard drink. The Pop Shoppe is proving to be a reliable go to soda.

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