Monday, September 12, 2011

Stewart's Cream Soda

This soda should be delightful.

This is the first Stewart's soda of the adventure. Let's keep in mind that Stewart's Orange Cream soda is what started this journey so I have high hopes for this one!

Twist off, thank you.

Oh man the scent of cream soda is just wonderful. It's like liquid candy aroma.

The first sip is alright. The creamyness is a little too harsh if I want to be picky (if you've ever seen me eat, you know I am just a tad picky ((does sarcasm come off well in writing?))) Harsh and creamy sound like an oxymoron to me but that's what came to mind.

The aftertaste is...nommy. A smooth lingering vanilla taste.

Actually, having the aftertaste in your mouth as you take another sip is what makes this soda shine. The "harshness" combined with the mellow aftertaste is a wonderful compliment. The vanilla is a prominent figure in this soda and it is done right.

The bottle is what I would consider the average design. "Stewart'S" pops out in raised lettering on the shoulder of the glass (below the neck and above the body, it's a technical term.). The logo is nothing out of the ordinary, but not boring. One of my favorite things about Stewart's is that on the label they will put something that is colored by the soda. In this case there is a cup of soda, colored amber by the soda. As you finish the bottle, the cup appears to empty.

This soda got off on the wrong foot. It really needs that aftertaste to show its true potential. Of the cream sodas I have tasted, this may be the best. But there are still plenty more to come. The next cream soda is about two weeks from now.

I don't want to give away Wednesday's soda, but imagine this face.

Courtesy of Mr. Squarepants Nickelodeon.


  1. I disown you, this soda is amazing and deserves top marks across the board.

  2. It ranks pretty high. Maybe 2nd best so far. Did I not praise it enough for you? =P

  3. Nope, unless it's number 1 it is not enough ;)
