Monday, September 26, 2011

Cooper's Cave Butterscotch Cream Soda

Part 2 of the BIFECTA!!
Butterscotch? Good. Cream Soda? Good. What's not to like?

It smells, quite sweet. It smells like you're standing in the middle of a snowball shack. Sugary syrup of all flavors surrounding you.

The first taste is really strong. It starts with a powerful pungent flavor. But, waaaaiiit for it...waaaiiitt for it. Yup, there's that lovely after taste that makes a cream soda.

I don't get too much of a butterscotch taste. Wait, now that I am typing this my breath has that taste. Tastes good.

I wouldn't say butterscotch is the main flavor of this drink. It is more of an undertone. An after-the-fact, "Here have a candy before you leave." flavor. But isn't that really what butterscotch is? It's what your grandma gives you when you visit. It's something that you didn't really ask for, but you'll never turn it down. That's what it is in this drink.

Now let me tell you about my theory of their labeling. The official name is "Cooper's Cave Butterscotch Cream Soda". But in larger lettering across the center of the label is "Butter-Beer". The background is just rising bubbles. The interesting part is what comes between the letters and the bubbles. That is what appears to be a lightning bolt.

"Butter-Beer", lightning bolt? Am I drinking something from Hogsmeade?? Maybe when I finish the bottle a large burly man will knock down my dorm door and exclaim, "Yer eh wizard, Matthew". My 11 year old wish will come true!!

But..the butter beer in the movies were an orangey color. This isn't orange..I don't think. The bottle is practically opaque.

In the end, I don't think this soda is one I will come back to. The initial flavor is far too strong. It is not like Stewart's cream soda, which had a strong flavor to start but it went well with its aftertaste. This drinks flavor is a little overwhelming. Sure, the aftertaste is good, but that is expected with a cream soda.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: While washing my hands I noticed that my tongue has an unusual hue. It is a yellowy orangey hue. Perhaps the soda was Harry Potter butter beer colored..

    Or I should go see a doctor..
