Friday, September 9, 2011

Cooper's Cave Centennial Sarsaparilla

I honestly have no idea what Sarsaparilla is supposed to taste like.

The plain yellow cap is not a twist off..uh oh.

Okay, a good 13 minutes later and a slightly bent fork, the bottle is finally open. This better be worth it.

Oh, it's root beer, thank goodness. This version has a less prominent taste of root beer. It doesn't have too much of a creamy after taste like the Boylan root beer. Actually, its after taste is..a little strange. I don't know how to describe it. It's not bad; it doesn't make me want to stop drinking.

The carbonation is right near perfect for me. It is not too fizzy, which I like. Perhaps it is because it is a little warmer from all the hands that tried to open the bottle, perhaps not.

The bottle design is a simple brown long neck. Not unlike the Boylan design. The very top of the neck comes out in a triangular type way for a grip. The label has a yellow and black color scheme. The focal point of the label is a city hall, Glens Falls to be specific. In the middle of the city hall picture is a banner saying, "Glens Falls 100 Years 1908-2008". Do they not realize it is 2011? Am I drinking 3 year old soda!?

The soda in the bottle has a little head of fizz on top. I'm surprised because it doesn't seem fizzy to me at all. But it gives the drink a nice appeal.

Overall, this is an average root beer. A little too watered down for me. But of course, this isn't root beer, this is Sarsaparilla, maybe it is supposed to be a little watery. A quick wiki search yields a plant by the name of Smilax Regelii, sometimes known as Sarsaparilla. First popular in Europe for the treatment of Syphilis. Oh goodie! It is a primary ingredient in root beer. That explains why it tastes like root beer minus some oomph! For me, if I'm gonna get something that tastes like root beer, I'm going to go all the way.

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