Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cooper's Cave Chocolate Soda

Yes, that is right. Chocolate soda.Avast, another pop off. Fortunately, I am prepared today! No forks shall be bent because of you Cooper's Cave bottle!

Oh yes, it smells chocolaty.

It is an unusual blend. Initially I did not get much of a chocolate taste, but now, I am getting many different components. I get a smooth milk chocolate taste. Occasionally I get the bitterness of pure chocolate.

Like the Sarsaparilla from the same company, the carbonation is done just right.

The label, this time is themed in red and brown. The picture on the front depicts a large black of chocolate. The corner of this block has been shaved and chipped down. It look much like a rocky cliff side, except chocolate. Carved out of the top of the block of chocolate are three C's and an A. The middle C is raised above the others and its bottom crosses the A. This stands for the company's full name, Cooper's Cave Ale Company.

This soda reminds me of one of my favorite amusement parks. Of course I am talking about Hershey Park. I am kind of surprised I haven't seen a chocolate soda there. Hershey would probably do it better, only because Hershey's chocolate is amazing.

The sad thing about this soda is that the bitterness of chocolate sticks with me longer than any of the other flavors. Taking another sip does not immediately eliminate this flavor. I don't know how to describe the flavors as the soda first hits the tongue. This drink is all about aftertaste.

Overall, I'd rate it as an OK soda. I give them credit for being experimental and making chocolate into a carbonated beverage. However, chocolate is just not a flavor one expects out of a soda. Perhaps if they took out some of the bitterness this could be a top quality soda, but as for now it ranks among the average.

Friday, I go back into the trenches. It is me against Cherry Ginger Ale. Will I be defeated again like its cousin defeated me? Or will the cherry be enough to counteract the overpowering ginger?

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