Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Finals: Stewart's Orange 'n Cream

The Orange Originator!

The bottle is filled almost completely to the top. Oh yeah.

I know I've mentioned this before but it has the smell of a creamsicle snow cone. The type of snow cone where the ice is actually crushed and doesn't clump. The kind where "OOPS!" they put in a little too much orange flavoring. Better add some more creamy marshmallow goodness to make up for it.

I take a sip worth three glugs of air bubbles. Taking one sip at a time I realize that it tends to err on the creamy side of the orange and cream. However, if I take multiple sips at a time, that's when I really get the orange. The aftertaste has some of the bolder citrus taste. But lingering in the back of my mouth is the cream.

I'm reminded of the one time I went to Rita's and they had orange flavored custard. That is something they really should do more often..

The bottle is fairly standard. The neck is so far the shortest of the bunch. The label sports a green diamond with a orange popsicle on the covering the bottom corner.

I've never really noticed the difference in flavor from one sip to multiple sips at a time. It is quite pleasant.

Stewart's Orange 'n Cream gives you everything you might want from a soda. First being cream soda. Who doesn't want cream soda? Second, orange soda. Who doesn't want orange soda? Lastly, a blending of these two flavors that is greater than the sum of its parts. Individually, one is a little strong and one is nice, but would benefit from a partner. Combined they interact to make something spectacular.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Finals: Cool Mountain Green Apple

Round 2 for the Green Goblin!

It smells like it should be a candy green apple. But I know that it is not!

Ahh, that fresh, organic, fruity taste. It is refreshing on this dreary day. When I think, and taste, apples, I see sunshine. As long as I don't look out my window I am happy.

It does a spectacular job at mimicking the feel of sucking the juices out of a bite of apple. It puts that flavor in the back of my mouth just like a real apple would. And the best part is that there is no pesky skin to deal with!

This soda has the taste of the juices and the taste of the...well this is going to be hard to explain. The stuff that actually makes up the apple. You know, the stuff that gives it structure. If you were to suck all the juices out of the apples you'd be left with this. This soda also has the taste of that.

The bottle has a somewhat tall body and a shorter neck. The shoulder of the bottle transitions smoothly into the neck. Not as smoothly as Boylan's which has no shoulder at all. The label sports a sweet alpine mountain scene. As I mentioned before the color of the mountains start green from the soda and disappears as you empty the bottle. The top right of the label, and the bottle cap asks me, "Are you thirsty?"

To be honest I'm not really thirsty but this is the only time of the day that I would have a chance to type this post. So I took one for the team.

Perhaps this soda has slightly amplified the apple taste, compared to an actual apple. But that's understandable, it is a soda.

The reason this soda is in the finals is because it is just amazing how well it does at getting that apple flavor down perfect. At least in my opinion (but that is obvious because it is MY blog). Some may say otherwise but to me it is just shocking how well a soda can taste just like a fruit.

The flavor gets bonus points for doing a great job at hitting its target. Also, uniqueness because have you seen any other apple flavored sodas? Mountains are cool so points for the label.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Finals: Boylan's Birch Beer

To start, the Red Raider!

I can smell the delicious sweet rootiness of the Birch Beer.

The taste consists mostly of root beer, of course. But the Birch beer adds a little something extra special. The bitter root is out down by the pure cane sugar. Enough so that it doesn't completely hide the bitterness, but puts it at the perfect level that one can handle it and enjoy it. The Birch adds a distinctly almost indescribable flavor. It isn't JUST root beer but something much more.

The carbonation is fine. I get hardly any FUD. Right around the edge where the soda meets the bottle is a ring of carbonation. A purpleish deep redish hue.

The bottle is of the tall and skinny variety. If bottles were athletes Boylan would probably find itself on track and field.

The label is reminiscent of the 20's. Simple, yet eye catching. It stands out from the rest in that it doesn't stand out. If you are acting crazy in a crowd of people acting crazy, are you really acting crazy? Loud is only loud in the presence of soothing quiet. Label-wise, Boylan's maybe the soothing quiet.

Boylan's Birch beer is one that stands out in the sea of root beers. It adds a unique flavor to the generic root beer. It's deep red is attractive and so is the tall slender bottle. Is it enough to surpass the other 4 finalists?

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Final Finalists

and some added awards.

First we shall start off with the third finalist: Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda. It wasn't an original entry. This soda did not appear on the fateful thirsty day in the middle of the summer. The day I decided to start this adventure. It took the place of a spiced apple cider beverage. Personally, I am very grad I had to make this switch.

Next an award! The goal of this journey is to find the best soda in the market. But, along the way I have also found one of the worst.

The award for the worst soda is none other than Reed's Cherry Ginger Brew. I first at Reed's original ginger ale and thought that was the worst. When the cherry version came up, I figured maybe the cherry will distract me from the overwhelming ginger flavor. Well, Reed needed to make sure that would never happen so the added 5 extra grams, to a total of 22 grams of ginger to Reed's Cherry Ginger Brew. The flavor is just too strong and it makes me make a face like a baby that just had its first taste of liquid medicine.

On to better things, the fourth finalist!

Cool Mountain Green Apple finds a way into the final 5 with only one entry! I fully expected a candy sour green apple much like a Jolly Rancher. What I got was a lovely fresh apple taste that somehow mimicked the mouth feel of a real apple.

For this reason, Cool Mountain Green Apple also wins the award for biggest surprise!

The last finalist is...Boylan's Birch Beer!

Root Beer may be the most prolific entry (that or cream soda but I don't feel like counting right now). I figured Root Beer should have some sort of representation in the finals *coughVirginiaPlancough*. As I said in the post about Birch Beer, if there is a Root Beer in the final it will probably be this one.

Our last bit of business before the finals officially go underway on Monday is the last award. This award is for the Most Original. The Soda with the most spirit!

The winner is Pop Goes the Bubble! This Bubble Gum flavored soda found itself in a close race with Cooper's Cave Chocolate Soda. The tie breaker was that I found Pop Goes the Bubble to be a better overall beverage.

Next week starts tournament play. Stewart's Orange 'n' Cream, Frostie Cherry Limeade, Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda, Cool Mountain Green Apple, and Boylan's Birch Beer. All will shoot fora spot as the most delicious soda I have ever tasted.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The second finalist

Okay, well, Stewart's Root Beer hasn't been in stock for a week or two...Although the diet version has? So, I'm just going to give up on that one. It probably wouldn't have made it anyway.

On the topic of Root Beer, our next award category is best Root Beer!

Root Beer is a strongly represented flavor in this tasteventure so I figured it should get some sort of acknowledgement.

The winner is Boylan's Birch Beer!!---Wait does this count, is it technically root beer? I mean, it probably tastes better because it uses slightly different ingredients..uhmmm..uhhh..executive decision!!---The winner is Boylan's Root Beer!! A nice root beer taste with a tasty creamy center. A fitting representation of the Root Beer family.

On to other matters. What soda will be the second finalist?

To find the answer we must look at the second entry! Frostie Cherry Limeade! A bright red soda with a wintry label. It brought me back to the days of summer. I'm excited to give this one another try because now with my more experienced pallet I can pass judgement on an early favorite.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Okay, I know...It's Monday. And you are dying to read about Stewart's Root Beer. The final entry into my sodaventure. I did not follow my usual Monday routine and may have forgot to go buy the soda. So expect it Tuesday!

But in the meantime I can reveal one of the finalists!!

The one everyone saw coming, Stewart's Orange 'n' Cream Soda.

It started this adventure and has survived the qualifiers to make it to the finals. Honestly, I could have told you it would make it months ago. It's delicious blend of citricy orange and mellow cream launches it to the top of the ranks of sodas.

But how does it compare to the other four? What are the other four!? Tomorrow I reveal another finalist.

Today I will give out the award for Most Reliable Soda!

The winner of this category is consistent. It is exactly what you asked for. It may not exceed your expectations but it always meets them. Do you want grape soda? Well the winner of this race will give you exactly that.

The winner of the Most Reliable Soda is none other than Canada's The Pop Shoppe! Congratulations, eh!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Boylan Ginger Ale

Honestly, I've been put off from all Ginger Ale since I've had that Reed's Ginger Ale..

Well, here is to making me like it again.

Thankfully no where near as strong as Reed's. It is subdued, but it still tastes like fresh ginger. There are no spices to amplify the ginger. It is simply carbonated ginger water. As it should be. Not 22ounces of ginger root in liquid form pumped with the strongest spices on Earth.

It is carbonated well.

This bottles color theme is white! When I think of ginger ale I don't think of white, I think of a very light yellow. They are breaking their trend of matching the color to the flavor. Maybe diet ginger ale would be white, but that would be gross.

This soda seems to be a little different from the Canada Dry or Schweppes ginger ale one normally finds. This ginger ale has that fresh taste. Another reason to go independent. Unfortunately, I have acquired an aversion to ginger ale. At the very least, fresh ginger ale. While this soda is manageable, it still reminds me of Reed's. So, good job Boylan, you made a nice ginger ale with that fresh flavor. Perhaps if I had drank you before Reed's I would appreciate you more. But, the randomizer said otherwise.

This was the last entry by Boylan. Actually, only one soda remains in the qualifying round. Starting next week I will post everyday Monday through Friday. Each day I will reveal one of the final 5 contenders. Perhaps I will also give out a few awards for various other things.

The following week will be the playoffs. Again, I will post each day. This time I will retry the soda of the day and give it one final judgement. Come Friday, I will devour the last soda and then reveal the winner of The Glass Bottle Connoisseur!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Waialua Lilikoi

Blue Punch Buggy!

This is a passion fruit soda. I've had passion fruit in those LifeWater things, I'm pretty sure I liked it.

It smells quite tangy and tart.

It tastes exactly the same. There is a tart fruity flavor. It reminds me of the apple soda I had. It really leaves a fruit feel in my mouth. It's not a bad soda. It is basically a really sour apple.

It is a lovely pink rosey color. Moreso than the mango, as you can see in the picture.

The label features a woman with long black hair. She is wearing only a pink grass skirt and pink lei. It is a square pink label, the lettering of the company is red outlined in yellow. "Lilikoi" is a very light pink outlined in black.

It's a simple soda. Simple flavor, simple design, and so a simple review.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Stewart's Grape Soda

I wish I had some ice.

Have you ever poured grape soda into a glass of ice? The fizz turns blue!! One of the numerous reasons why I love grape soda.

Actually, one of two reasons, the second being it is just darn tasty.

Ohhh that magnificent Concord grape flavor. It's such a deep flavor. It is a smooth, rich flavor, that almost has its own creaminess to it. Just slightly creamy however. There is nothing sharp about this soda that needs to be cut down by adding cream soda to it. The flavor is like black cherry in that they are both robust. Strong, confident flavors they are.

The carbonation is right on the edge of being overdone. BUT, it isn't overdone. There is plenty of sparkle to this soft drink, but it doesn't FUD (is that what I called it? Fizz Upon Drinking?). The carbonation is walking on a thin line, but it hasn't fallen yet.

Unlike most other Stewart's beverages, there is not color changing label here. The diamond background is purple, as is the double popsicle. But they are to remain purple instead of disappearing along with my thirst.

This soda is great, but is it extraordinary? I believe I know 4 out of the 5 sodas that will make it to the playoffs. All of which are unique. This, this is just grape soda. While I love grape soda, I am not sure if it brings anything new to my soda journey. There is one spot left though. Perhaps it will fill the void, perhaps not. Tune in (checks schedule) next week (maybe) to find out!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Boylan Creme Soda

Last Cream Soda!
For popping bottles fizziness! O'er amber colored liquid! Cream Sooooda cream sooooda la la te dah lee lahhh.

Okay that doesn't work too well does it.

This reminds me a lot of Stewart's cream soda. It has got a loverly aftertaste. Perfectly smooth, slightly carmelic (read angelic but instead of angel it is caramel). The initial taste is not as strong as Stewart's, which is a good thing. Stewart's aftertaste really had to balance out the initial taste. This time, they work a little better together.

It really will be difficult to pick one of the other. I like the initial taste of Boylan's better, but the Stewart's soda had a really great aftertaste.

The label is a gold color. Like, crayon gold.

If one of these cream soda's makes it to the finals, it will be a tough choose as to which one.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Boylan Seltzer feat. OceanSpray Strawberry Kiwi

I once knew a person that actually drank soda water straight up.

Now I don't really expect that I will enjoy this soft drink all by itself. It's carbonated water..So, I got a little sidekick for our bland colorless hero.

But I will give it a try all by itself.

For a second upon opening medium size bubbles rose to the top. But it has settled down now.

There is no smell at all. Just a little tickle in my nose from taking too deep of a sniff of carbonation.

Perhaps it shall be flavorless too, like it's scent and color.

Not so much. It's not exactly good. There is no aftertaste thankfully. It is just pungent. How does anybody drink this alone?

Okay two sips and time to get the sidekick in.

A good portion of my "juice" (only 25% juice, what a joke...but a tastey joke) and some of the seltzer. Let's see if I can actually make this taste like a soda.

Well the pungency is certainly gone. There is a bit of a sparkle in the strawberry kiwi. However, there is one flaw in my plan. Sodas are syrup and seltzer. This is watery juice and seltzer. So my cocktail tastes much like a watered down soda. This may be great, if it was a more intense strawberry kiwi flavor.

I put more seltzer in (I'm trying to use it all up) and the pungency is back. More juice. Okay, now it kind of feels like a soda. Some fizz, a bit of tang. Unfortunately, it tastes eh. It kind of reminds me of grapefruit. A sour citrus that doesn't work too well with me.

I don't know if I'm up for finishing my cocktail.

If you happen to come across some coke syrup, this is the drink for you. If you don't steal from the restaurant you work at, then I would not buy this drink.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Diet Cheerwine

My last diet beverage.

I'm quite thirsty so I'm just going to get down to it.

A rush of effervescent bubbles rush to the top as I open the bottle. Actually, it's still going...still!

Ahhhhh cherry goodness. It is a deep cherry, a nice smooth flavor. I actually don't notice too much of a difference between this one and the regular cheerwine.

It's still bubbling a little bit. However, it isn't over carbonated.

Back to the flavor. It is a straight-forward flavor. An even better cherry flavor than that chapstick stuff.

The bottle is pretty much the exact same as the non diet. Of course this one has diet on it. Like the last one, it has cool vertical flutes around the bottle. It gives you a nice grip. It is kinda like a rocket. Rocket bottle!

All in all, t'is a good beverage. I feel like I may have given this one a better review than it's full sugary brethren.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Frostop Orange & Creme


The only competitor to King Stewart's Orange and Cream soda. Will those lowly farmer be able to usurp the king?

It smells lovely, like a delicious popsicle. I'm only smelling it but it is tricking my mind into thinking I'm holding up this popsicle. I want to take a bite, feel the cold chill on my teeth.

It is more cream than orange. I sense a little bit of caramel. This is coming from the soda that gave us vanilla caramel creme. I feel like this orange flavor is more of a natural orange. Like it were actually orange juice instead of synthetic orange flavoring. Yeah, it is definitely closer to orange juice than orange soda.

The carbonation is just fine.

The bottle features pictures of real oranges and ice cream. Both like rolling hills. On the leftern side of the label, a cup filled with ice cream. I imagine this is supposed to be an orange cream float. A popsicle is also featured on the main label. It is found under the Frostop letering. On the neck label there is a cow holding a popsicle. On this popsicle written vertically in black is Frostop. I would avoid that popsicle little cow. I would be afraid of a popsicle with black stuff on it.

It is a pretty decent imitation. I would like a tad less cream and a little bit more orange. Orange soda and orange juice are two different beasts. Orange soda is sharp, it needs the cream to dull it down a bit. Orange juice is...some thing else. While any flavor can benefit from adding cream soda to it, orange soda benefits more. That is why King Stewart is the King.

But of course there have been a few worth competitors looking to take the crown. A few weeks from now a great battle will take place! There were be other competitions too, competitions to be named later.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Boylan Diet Black Cherry

WooOOO (diet) Black Cherry bam dla bam wooOO (diet) Black Cherry bam dla bam!

This soda has tough competition against the black cherry cream soda.

It smells like children's medicine. Thank fully it is not as thick and disgusting as that stuff.

It reminds me of a snow cone flavor. Undoubtedly I'm remembering the days where I would steal a bite of my mom's snow cone. She always got some sort of cherry. It has the same feeling as the last Boylan diet soda. It's hollow. Good, but just not full. There is a little something missing. Still a decent drink though.

I can write about carbonation again! Which isn't a good thing. This is like cotton candy! I take a swig, and then it's gone in a fizz. It seems to disappear in my mouth and all I swallow is bubbles. I don't like bubbles.

Boylan, like the Pop Shoppe, doesn't vary too much on their labeling. They do change their colors to match the drink. This time it is lavenderish! I bet the non diet flavor is a deeper purple.

Overall, it is a decent soda. Black cherry is a good flavor but I feel it could be deeper. The carbonation is a minus.